Inspirational Books
by Ken Lenz
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Christ, the “I Am


This inspirational book has the subtitle: The Seven “I Am” Statements of Christ — and What He Offers Us! and it is designed to encourage your faith and relationship with the Savior.  The book explores the seven “I Am” metaphors of Christ that reveal aspects of His character, as taught in John’s Gospel account.  It is organized in three sections, the first of which explains each of those statements and how they relate to us.  Section Two offers a fuller commentary on John 6, of Christ “the bread of life,” with a consistent interpretation that has been needed.  Section Three then offers a deeper commentary on John 15, of Christ “the true vine,” with a refreshing study of words and phrases as recorded by Jesus’ beloved disciple, John. For more of a description and listing of unique features, please click here: Christ, the “I Am”

A sequel book entitled God’s Son “Forsaken,” His Sacrifice “Finished!” explains the seven statements Christ uttered from the cross, yet again with a particular emphasis on two of those statements.  That book is, likewise, available both in print (hardcover and softcover) and as an e-book.

God’s Son “Forsaken,” His Sacrifice “Finished!”


This is a book on the atoning sacrifice of Christ — written uniquely from His own perspective, as expressed in two statements He made from the cross.  It was written to help readers understand what was truly accomplished on the cross and how that can apply to them, including a consideration of two church sacraments and a correction of unbiblical doctrines.  As the book states: “His death was not to be as a martyr; but rather, as a Savior!”

Would you like your heart to grow in love and gratitude toward the Savior?  If so, this book is for you!  For more of a description and listing of unique features, click here: God’s Son “Forsaken,” His Sacrifice “Finished!”

Writer’s Edge offered the following evaluation:

“Your chapters are articulate, well organized, and have a clear sense of purpose. Your academic background and ministry experience give you strong credibility to write on this topic, and your material is thought-provoking.”

Water Baptism and Spirit Baptism


Water Baptism and Spirit Baptism is a 390-page book that clearly and comprehensively explains the biblical teaching of both water baptism and the baptism of the Holy Spirit.  In so doing, it covers all passages that have a bearing on these topics, and considers alternative viewpoints and interpretations (adding to its comprehensiveness).  Additional sections are included regarding “Infant Baptism” and “Baptism in Early Christian Writings.”  The 70 chapters (including Appendix chapters) are well-organized, concise, and convincing.

Water baptism and the baptism in the Spirit are for all Christians.  This book is for you!  For more of a description and listing of unique features, click here: Water Baptism and Spirit Baptism

A personal note from the author is on the page “About the Author,” following a photo and brief author bio. In that note, Ken shares a little of how this book came to be written and why its length is limited to under 400 pages. (Please see the link below.)

Confession and Communion


Confession of sin and communion (i.e., fellowship) with God are two of the most vital aspects of human life.  But to whom should we confess our sins, and what is necessary before we partake of the bread and wine of communion?  Confession and Communion is a book that explores these and other crucial questions, based on the teaching of Scripture.  The motivation in writing came out of the author’s own experience and a love for the applicable truth of God’s Word.

Would you like your life to be characterized as a life of confession to God and communion with God?  If so, this book is for you!  For more of a description and listing of unique features, click here: Confession and Communion

All four books in this series have been published by the Xlibris publishing company, and are offered in three formats: hard-cover, soft-cover, and e-book. They can be ordered through this website by clicking on the “Order Now” page listed below.



Inspirational Books by Ken Lenz