Inspirational Books
by Ken Lenz
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About the Author

Dr. Kenneth P. Lenz  has served for over twenty-five years in church ministries and as a chaplain.  He has also served on the religion faculty and Bible/theology faculty of several colleges.  Courses Ken has taught include “Understandings of Religion,” “History of Christian Thought,” “Survey of the New Testament,” and “New Testament Epistles,” among others.  He has also taught “writing intensive” courses to help students in their writing skills.  His earned Ph.D. included an emphasis in Eastern Orthodox Church history and liturgy, and he excels in the area of hermeneutics (biblical interpretation).  Ken and his loving wife, Helen, have three grown children: Carrie, Evan, and Bryce.

Other e-books by this author include (among others):

Water Baptism and Spirit Baptism: Expanded Edition

The Orthodox Church: An Evangelical Perspective

Lordship Salvation: An Evangelical Perspective

The Bread of Life: A Consistent Sense of John 6

Branches of the Vine: A Fresh Look at John 15


A Personal Note from the Author:

Hello, and welcome to this website and the introduction of several new books, each of which include unique features. I wish to personally thank you for considering one or more of these books for your own spiritual understanding and growth, or to share with others. The book on Water Baptism and Spirit Baptism (which is much longer than the others) was written first. However, in my research and study I began writing on the unique “baptism” in the atoning sacrifice of Christ on the cross (Mark 10:38–39; Luke 12:50); and in my efforts to be thorough, I also researched and studied the other ordinance of the Church (also regarded by many as a “sacrament of initiation”: Holy Communion). These studies led me to write the other two books in that original trilogy.
The reader may be interested to know that the first book did not materialize from a personal desire to write a book on the topic of baptism, nor did I have a particular perspective that I was intent on promoting. Rather, it began as a personal study and after reading many books and articles on the subject. In my research, I became very concerned over the lack of biblical support for many positions being promoted, and even more concerned over the misuse of Scripture — seeing verses quoted out of their contexts and forced interpretations into a word or phrase that were not supported by the context.
My studies led me to eventually write, as this is an effective way in which to solidify thoughts and pull together all of the research and study into a cohesive and conclusive format. My focus in writing was on the Word of God, allowing verses — within their contexts — to express the truths of Scripture, without bias or preconceived notions. Also, I approached the eight sections of the book as if we were on a journey together exploring God’s Word. I trust you will appreciate this approach and the focus on His Word as you read the book.
When concluded, the book was significantly longer than the one now offered here through Xlibris; however, if it were over 400 pages, the price (which is set by the publisher) would have been higher. I wanted to keep the book more affordable to the buyer (and also more condensed for the reader). Therefore, it is offered at just under 400 pages. If interested in ordering this, or any of the other books offered, please click on the “Order Now” page listed below. Again, thank you for your interest, and may God bless your (our) journey through His Word.

Sincerely, Ken

Inspirational Books by Ken Lenz